Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Mind Of Christ

I am not sure that this blog will answer the serious question of, "What exactly is the mind of Christ" but perhaps it will lead you to the precious feet of our Saviour and seek the answer from Truth Himself.

Recently, a certain debate, had this argument of the mind of Christ. I saw the stones of piety and religion thrown and sincere answers misinterpreted self composed respones of each ones view were given, about a particular situation, of what is the mind of Christ.
It has stirred myself to much thought...and I have come up guilty. 

We can zoom in on a certain area or two and form to ourself of what the mind of Christ is, and walk away feeling just pretty good about it and perhaps our conclusion is a good one in that particular area.
But if we look at it Biblically you can't take the mind of Christ on as a clothing accessory that some days you wear and somedays you do not. 

And that's where my guilt has recently been. Not intentionally, and yet, quite intentional.....

A few weeks ago, I was walking in a lovely and charming mountin town with my little family. 
I saw and heard there the shuffling footsteps of a man and a bit later, as I paused to look through a store window with my little ones, and he walked past, I smelled the awful stench, the telltale signs of his bondage. 

What is the "Mind of Christ?" Not just in the situations that we feel like excercising it but what is the  "Mind of Christ" in its entirety?

You know, that night, I knew what I should do.... Let me tell you a very short story...

About 12 years before my birth, another old drunk, perhaps sober for the moment, was walking toward a local bar when he encounted a group of strangers holding an evangelistic street meeting...who would have thought that this broken piece of man would start sobbing, convicted of the Holy Spirit, and of the empowering love of Christ Himself as He reached this broken miserable piece of clay?!

That man, was my daddy..(For more check out the blog post, "Filthy Rags Transformed into Armor of Honor". )

Now, you understand better the sorrow I have carried since that day, a few weeks ago, of not truly being the hands and feet of Christ to this wasted bit of drunken man...I knew the secret to life abundantly for him, and I did nothing about it. Or in otherwards, I did not embrace the beautiful mind

 of my Christ.

So back to the debate...We do not need arguementive debates that are oft times filled with self righteousness. Christ has something greater for us!
Today, I am deeply grateful to realize that God truly has a greater answer. It has set my soul to love wholly, free to worship, and free to allow the Holy Spirit's convicting voice speak into my life! And therefore free to live victoriously! Thank You Jesus!! 
And it's His gift to each one. May you allow Christ to clothe you with Himself and experience the abundant life He's promised and therefore, truly receive His mind also.

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