This has been truly one of my most favorite part of day for quite a number of years now. (The other is, building memories with my little family. ;) )The undisturbed early morning where my soul is still and in reverence to a Holy God who lays out a wardrobe, fit for a queen, today for me to wear. It is strength, peace, a bubbling joy, laughter.
God has been feeding my yearning for more of Himself, with more of Himself. A few years ago, despite what I saw all around me, God placed upon myself His calling of a nobler life, a victorious 24/7 life. Proverbs 31 speaks of strength and honor being our clothing. Another passage of Scripture promises that if we train our children in His way they will not depart.
All this and much much more, I remember, finally setting my heart toward this and refused to succumb to the uncertainties, the lack of earthly examples to follow. God's Word says it and I chose to believe that these wonderful things in Him were truly ours to enjoy. To grow by, to be stretched in.
And as the years slipped by, and life was filled with the uncertainty of a down economy, and death in the family, still God kept calling my soul out..there has been many tears involved...and many times as the tears ran unbidden down my cheeks God lifted my chin and stroked my cheek as a father would and whispered to me His love and that He truly has a plan for our little family's life.
I remember a few years ago, I was asked to give a brief testimony in a ladies prison. The speaker that night that asked me, refreshed me with what he remembered having heard me mention the year before about theses women being princess daughters of Jesus. He tho't maybe I could speak of that...
What this man did not know ( as he shared with me later) was that at that moment we were losing our home and had absolutely no idea what we were going to do. I was broken and if I looked at my pocket of resources I didn't really have anything to offer these women... Or did I?
As I sat, waiting to speak I remember my sweetheart Mike telling me once that the Holy Spirit gives us His words and we don't need to pre-think what we would say...truthfully, I didn't have long to think anyway, with the short notice I was given.
Taking my place in front of hundreds of women. And looking out over the crowd, I began to share what we have , in Christ, and that with Jesus Christ as our Kingly Papa, we are His beautiful I shared with these women who were broken as myself, in need of something~hope. God gave me His Words of Hope of knowing Christ will never leave us nor forsake us, I shared that we were currently losing our home, I shared, I wept...
That day, as hundreds of women inmates wept with me, there was healing...we all had our own and different stories of our life lived so far, but the very same wonderful promises of Scripture.. A beautiful night indeed as we each wept at the precious feet of our Saviour and pouring our ointment out upon His feet, letting everything that meant something to us, slid from our once clenched fingers..
I did not know that day, that when we did finally leave our home of over 9 years, for the very last time, that a week before we would bury our strong, healthy ( or so we had tho't) daddy dear. So many loses, and yet God kept His promise. It was the beginning of some of the darkest months of my life and I know today, in Christ, I could have walked through them more graciously then I did.
As we drove from our beautiful country home that last early morning, Mike prayed, "Thank You for the nine years you gave us to enjoy and now someone else can. Help us know that all is still good in Your eyes."
And today, these years later, our voices still ring with laughter, why? Because all is still good in God's eyes. He never left us. He never forsook us. He adundantly blessed upove all that we asked or ever thought. He is faithful and we taste it fully. Our hearts felt His soothing aloe like ointment of healing and restoration. God is faithful.
A reminder about our adoption...If you missed the announcement see our older post, "Twice the Blessing and Double the Expectancy!"
You will find a donation button at the top right of this page and we thank you in advance for your gift of any amount as God prompts you. If you prefer to write a check out to our Church and receive a tax deductible receipt you may make checks payable to: "Ellerslie Mission Society" and be sure to note on the memo blank that it is: "Groff family adoption". The address is: 655 Southwood Lane Windsor, Co. 80550. Thank you and God bless you!!
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