Monday, July 1, 2013

"A Taste of Grace"

I love the occasional rainy, overcast days, like this morning's. The kids are all still sleeping, snug and warm. I feel the warmth of God, family and this awesomely fashioned world I call home and real life. Sometimes I find a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth and  laughter bubbling from within.  I am so BLESSED to serve and love and feel my adoration to a really big God! It is so neat, I claim God as my Father and many times as my Heavenly Prince. Even though there are similarities, a daddy and a earthly prince aren't exactly in the same category! My dad is in heaven now and he was a really great dad! He took care of us, he spent time with us, he led out in family worship...  And  for 17 years now, I've been married to my earthly prince-my Mike.:) He's the love of my life, my best friend, the daddy of our 5 kids. And I'm continually filled with an excited anticipation of our life together!. So...with heartfelt reverence, I think of my Savior as my heavenly Papa and the Prince and lover of my soul. I've had a couple real heroes in my life and they are my dad and husband. And long long before I even knew there was a little boy growing up somewhere in the little girl heart was completely filled with childish joy and adoration of my "daddy". He represented Christ, protector, provider and the one who loved my heart enough to protect it and guard it from intruders. In my little girl eyes, my daddy was my world! He was my hero-man! Then this little girl grew up and prince charming won my heart....That sweet part of my heart that God created for me to share with the man who would also portray Christ to me, protect me, provide for me.... It's all making more sense why God Himself is my Papa/Prince of my soul!! Jesus is also, SOLID ROCK, HIGH TOWER, ANCHOR, HEALER, NURTURER, REDEEMER....this beautiful list could literally go on and on and on.. I understand more clearly why my heart is filled with awe and wonder and I feel the joy bursting from within!! I am so excited that God changes lives! His Word is so precious...It lives and breathes. It heals and restores.It stretches and prunes. It doubles, triples many, many times over within the heart, intrinsic joy (you know, that inward fountain that keeps bubbling, that's not dependent on external circumstances ). God is faithful, merciful, full of compassion. And He's waiting and longing and drawing us to Himself..Such a sweet benediction on us. As I lighted some sweet smelling candles just now, giving that extra warmth and welcoming touch, on this beautiful overcast day, for our kiddos before I hear their pitter patter of footsteps on the stairs, I had to think, the candle of my heart is also glowing. Sweet sweet benediction-the Savior's song on our life. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  John 10:10b "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."

     "Jesus loved you so much that He died for you , so that He wouldn't have to live without you."

This one reminds me of the Cinderella story..Alaythia with
her Prince Daddy!

The man who holds her heart and life in the shelter of his love
and protection..her daddy:):).

Giggles, a  princess and her daddy...essence of sweetness.

A very sweet family friend captured these adorable,
 memories, unbeknownst to us, when  she was with us,
 taking our family pictures. It was a  sweet surprise! 

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