Friday, September 14, 2012


Wow it's been too long since I last blogged but this mommy has been very busy since school is now up and going! It's extra work yes~but I love the more structured schedule and knowing what to expect next.:) The kids have adapted so well to the new schedule and chore list and most everyday the house is beautifully tidy by the time  school starts and beings lil Branson takes a long morning nap and the two middle sweet peas have joined the two older ones in class~the house stays nice! I am enjoying that!:) With this time of year comes an undercurrent of excitement. Like everyday is anticipating something and it's the coming cool weather I think!! The time of year for pumpkins! Pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin spiced candles, and of course the list could go on about the unlimited pumpkin desserts. I don't especially favor the pumpkin sweets so much, but the coffee and candles....that's another story!! The kids are still adjusting to life back in the books. Even tho' we are a homeschooling family and we try to encourage them that all of life is about learning, they still like to draw the line between school and no school ( which we tell them its still a time of learning things!!) This is one of those days that I can feel fall in the air and with the bread fresh out of the oven cooling and some of the kids playing (and messing up the livingroom) and some of the kids enjoying an afternoon movie treat well....let's just say " I LOVE BEING A MOMMY"!!! It really gives me alot of joy and pleasure.:) Sometimes as I watch the children I have this longing inside to somehow forever capture it all, and with that I have this sad sweet melancholy feeling cause I know I will never remember everything. So instead I will live to enjoy the most of every moment to it's fullest.:)